Nitrite and Nitrate as N


This analysis fulfills the requirement from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program and includes the reporting of results to the State of California via the GeoTracker ESI Portal. 

Lodi Wine Labs is ELAP certified with the State of California.
(Certificate #3078)

Minimum Volume Required: 250mL
(Please contact us for forms required & sample bottles)

Nitrite as N
(Units: ppm, Technique: Ion Chromatography - EPA 300.1)

Nitrate as N
(Units: ppm, Technique: Ion Chromatography - EPA 300.1)

Please review the resources below and contact us with any questions or if you need sample tubes and instructions.

Quick Guide


Drinking Water Well Member Information Sheet

Lodi Wine Labs Environmental Chain of Custody Form

Well Owner Guide